Practical Legal Solutions in Omaha, Nebraska

Before you leave the kids with a babysitter for a few hours, you conduct serious research and planning sessions to make sure they will be safe. You provide multiple pages of instructions for the babysitter to ensure that your child and house are safe in their capable hands.
Have you done the research and planning needed to assure your family's well being when you are gone permanently, including estate planning, trusts, wills and power of attorney?
We can help.

Our Omaha Firm
As an Omaha firm whose main focus is estate planning, LifePlan Nebraska can help you draft a plan that will not let you down and keep it effective through all of life's changes. We work as planning partners—counselors, rather than paper pushers who simply drop your information into template documents.
Our Areas of Practice & Services
- Trusts
- Wills
- Powers of Attorney
- Probate
- Guardianship
- Trust Administration
- Estate Counseling
- Worker's Compensation
- Small Business Planning
- Medicaid Planning
- Maintenance Programs
- Education Programs
- Personal Legacy Planning
- Advice on Beneficiaries
- Collaboration with Financial Advisers, Insurance Professionals, Accountants and Others
- Regular Estate Plan Updates
- Advice on Beneficiaries
- Startup and Venture Capital Law
Want to learn more about the difference between Estate Planning Documents? To check out our comparison chart!
Our Helpful Forms and Resources
Estate Planning
- Personal Information Form
- Estate Planning Goals Form
- Estate Planning Roles Form
- Funding Document Checklist
Probate/Trust Administration
Resources for Seniors
- Tips for Seniors Click here